Climate Conversations: Alewives on the Kennebec Rive
6:00 PM18:00

Climate Conversations: Alewives on the Kennebec Rive

Join Sebago Trout Unlimited for our free Climate Conversations event at Bissell Brothers in Portland, Maine. Dr. Karen Wilson, an associate research professor with the University of Southern Maine (USM), will present her research on juvenile alewives and their habitat on the Kennebec River. Dr. Wilson has extensive experience studying river herring in Maine and the impacts of dam removal on their habitat.

We will also hear from Steve Brooke from the Kennebec Valley Chapter of TU, and Matt Streeter, president of the Maine Chapter of TU. Steve will provide an update on the status of the remaining lower Kennebec River dams, and Matt will discuss the impacts that strong alewife populations have on the local environment and fisheries.

It will be a great opportunity to enjoy great beer and food, see some friends, and learn more about this important topic and an amazing river. We’ll also have swag from Trident Fly Fishing.

This event is free to the public, but we ask that you sign up via Eventbrite to help us with headcount and planning. If you'd like to join or donate to Sebago TU, you can do so on at

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Annual Ice Fishing Event
9:00 AM09:00

Annual Ice Fishing Event

Join us on Saturday, February 3rd for a day of Ice Fishing on heavily stocked Chaffin Pond in Windham. You do not need to bring anything, but dress warmly. Kids welcomed. We will have hot coffee, breakfast, all the equipment you need including bait and holes already drilled. Co-sponsored by Sebago Bait Co. — not only do they sell bait at their location in Windham, but every possible piece of ice-fishing piece equipment you could imagine.

 TU especially welcomes any school groups, scouting organizations, or any other youth group to join us. This event is a wonderful opportunity to get kids out into the outdoors during the winter with plenty of gear and expertise to make the event enjoyable.

You can be confident that the point will be frozen. It freezes early, and folks started ice-fishing it on January 6th.

Last but not least, all attendees will be entered into a raffle with lots of great swag!

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Annual  Membership Meeting
6:00 PM18:00

Annual Membership Meeting

Join us for our Annual Membership Meeting at Paper City BBQ in Westbrook. We will holding a short business meeting and providing updates on our ongoing activities. It has been another exciting year with major accomplishments on our crucial conservation projects across the region.

The nights agenda will continue with local author Ryan Brod reading from his new book, “Tributaries” followed by a question and answer session.

The agenda will continue with TU member and Maine Guide Aaron Broaddus talking about opportunities for fishing and trout preservation in the Upper Androscoggin.

And of course we will wrap up the evening by raffling off a bunch of great items! What could be better BBQ, Brookies and Beverages! Please join us.

If you are coming please do us a favor and RSVP so we can get numbers to the restaurant! No one wants to run our of brisket! Click here to RSVP

Speaker and Maine Guide Aaron Broaddus with a wild Maine Brookie from the 2023 season.

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6:00 PM18:00


Purpose: Information update and questions.  One of the last meetings in the process. Should be highly informative.

The Sebago and Mollyockett Chapters of Trout Unlimited and project partner US Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) will hold an informational update meeting regarding plans to remove the remnants of Edes Falls Dam on the Crooked River in Naples. The goal of the project is to improve the ability for landlocked salmon to migrate to the upper watershed to spawn during their annual fall migration. Wild brook trout and other resident species of fish and other organisms will also benefit from the improved connectivity and function of the river. A remnant of the dam will remain for historical purposes, and will be reinforced. We welcome all to participate in this informational update.

The meeting will take place on Thursday, November 30 at 6:00 PM at the American Legion Hall in Naples. 26 Casco Rd, Naples, ME 04055

Following is a summary of speakers:

-        Jim Pellerin, Regional Biologist with the Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife

-        Chris Reidy, Fisheries Biologist with the US Department of Agriculture Natural Resources Conservation Service

-        Lauren Pickford and Karen Young, Lakes Environmental Association and Sebago Clean Waters

-        Ken Norton, Kathy Keinath, Caleb Humphrey, Naples Historical Society and Parks and Land Use Committee

-        Jim Wescott, Sebago Chapter of Trout Unlimited

-        Alex Abbott, Stream Restoration Specialist with the US Fish and Wildlife Service

-        Q&A

Contact info: For more information, email or call Matt Streeter,, 207-337-2611

Project Partners: Sebago Chapter of Trout Unlimited, Casco Bay Estuary Partnership, Lakes Environmental Association, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Natural Resources Conservation Service, Sebago Clean Waters, The Nature Conservancy in Maine, US Fish & Wildlife Service

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Winter Climate Change Series: Crooked River
6:00 PM18:00

Winter Climate Change Series: Crooked River

  • Bissell Brothers Brewing Company (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Join Sebago Trout Unlimited for our Winter Climate Change Series Presentation at Bissell Brothers in Portland. Jim Pellerin, a Biologist for the Sebago Region with the Maine Department of Inland Fish and Wildlife (MDIFW), will be presenting on the importance of the Crooked River watershed, and Lauren Pickford, Planning and Land Use Manager of Lakes Environmental Association (LEA), will be speaking on the projects the LEA has planned for the Crooked over the next few years. It will be a great opportunity to enjoy some great beer and food, see some friends, and learn a little more about this amazing river.

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Castaway for Conservation
5:00 PM17:00

Castaway for Conservation

  • The Depot Pavilion, Thompson's Point (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Congratulations! You made it to another fishing season! Come celebrate with the Sebago Chapter of Trout Unlimited at our second annual Cast Away for Conservation Event taking place on Wednesday, May 11, at Thompson’s Point in Portland, Maine. Proceeds from the event will go to supporting the TU Sebago Chapter’s exciting conservation programs. This is our main fundraising event of the year!

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Royal River Fishing Frenzy
7:00 PM19:00

Royal River Fishing Frenzy

Please join Sebago TU and the Royal River Alliance via zoom on May 18th at 7 pm for the Royal River Fishing Frenzy event. Sebago TU’s Steve Heinz will launch a fishing guide map of the Watershed, Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife Biologist Nick Kalejs will answer fish questions, and Landis Hudson from Maine Rivers will talk about the Royal River fisheries history.

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October Chapter Meeting
7:00 PM19:00

October Chapter Meeting

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

  • 7:00 PM 8:30 PM

  • Fireside Inn & Suites Portland (map)

Come out on October 15th for the monthly chapter meeting! 

Jim Pellerin, IF&W Biologist for Region A. based out of Gray will give a presentation about the Sebago fishery and the work that has been done on the Crooked River. He will provide an update on the wild landlocked salmon spawning study IF&W has been conducting, and their work surrounding the state’s management of the lake trout population. 

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Holiday Get-Together, Annual Meeting and Chapter Meeting
6:00 PM18:00

Holiday Get-Together, Annual Meeting and Chapter Meeting

Join us for our Holiday Get-Together, Chapter Meeting, and Annual Meeting! Join us early for Holiday Cheer! Appetizers, cash bar, and good fellowship begin at 6. The regular meeting starts at 7.

Lou Zambello and Lindsey Rustad: DIY trip to New Zealand - It is not as expensive as you think!

Lou Zambello is a long-time Sebago TU member, has fly fished northern New England for over 30 years and has been a registered Maine Guide and conservation advocate for over 15 years. Lou’s wife Lindsey Rustad is a Research Ecologist for the U.S. Forest Service and an expert on global climate change. Guiding primarily in the Rangeley area, Lou has fished far and wide and authored several essential fly fishing books, including Fly Fishing Northern New England’s Seasons (updated and re-released this summer) and Fly Fisher’s Guide to New England. His upcoming book In Pursuit of Trophy Brook Trout, due out in January, 2019, promises to be another must-have for your fly fishing library. Last winter, Lou and Lindsey took a DIY (Do-It-Yourself) trip to New Zealand, and discovered that fishing New Zealand doesn’t have to be an expensive lodge experience. In fact, they swear you can fish for three weeks for practically nothing (air fare excluded)! Lou and Lindsey will share their experiences, tips and some great pictures at our December Chapter Meeting. Come early for some Holiday Cheer with Sebago TU: Cash bar and appetizers will start at 6 PM. Our meeting (including annual vote for board members and officers), will start as usual at 7.

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Is Alaska Fly Fishing on Your Bucket List?
6:00 PM18:00

Is Alaska Fly Fishing on Your Bucket List?

Presenter: John Jinishian, Alaska’s Wild River Guides. 

We are pleased to welcome John Jinishian from Alaska’s Wild River Guides, a small float based wilderness Fly Fishing company. His talk celebrates the love Alaska River Guides has for the fish, the anglers, the still pristine rivers of Bristol Bay, the wildlife and the environment. After a series of introductory slides the show follows the format of a weeklong river trip on the Kanektok, or Togiak or Goodnews Rivers. They operate seasonally in the Bristol Bay region of Alaska, specifically on the Togiak National Wildlife Refuge. This is the group that Margaret Clark and her mother, Christine, have fly fished with and they are excited to share their adventure with you!

Beverages and meals can be purchased at the Muddy Rudder, and a $5 contribution will be welcomed to offset expenses!

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