Join Sebago TU at our Annual Holiday Party cocktail hour/hors d'oeuvres at 6 followed immediately after by our December chapter meeting at 7pm!
Jim Wescott and Robb Cotiaux will focus on the conservation efforts of Maine’s largest chapter past and present. We invite you to share in the rewards and thrills of” giving back” to the cold water conservation efforts of the Sebago chapter.
Jim Wescott and Robb Cotiaux are conservation committee members focusing on the many watersheds in our chapter area. Robb is a Maine professional forester with forty plus year‘s experience. Jim is a retired postmaster with a degree in wildlife management from the University of Maine in Orono. Both were, and still are, heavily involved in the restoration efforts that brought back the wild turkey in Maine. In 2010, Robb received the nationally recognized Roger Latham Conservation award from the National Wild Turkey Federation , Jim received the award in 2012.
Both are registered Maine guides. Jim currently serves on the Maine Guides advisory board. Both are avid hunters and fishermen.