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Conservation Celebration & Annual Meeting

  • Brea Lu Cafe 511 Main St Westbrook, ME 04092 United States (map)

The Sebago Chapter of Trout Unlimited is inviting you to join us for our annual meeting!

We’ll be celebrating an amazing year of conservation and restoration work over great food and beverages in Westbrook, ME. Come learn about our work and find opportunities to get involved on waters all across southern Maine.

We have an amazing roster of raffle prizes lined up, and you won't want to miss it!

🍖 Great food!

🍺 Drinks!

🎣 Fish talk!

🎁 Raffle for gear & experiences!

🌊 And opportunities to get involved in conservation in southern Maine!

The agenda for the event includes time to socialize and enjoy an all you can eat buffet (6-7pm), presentations and videos from Sebago TU (7-8pm), and an announcement of the raffle winners and continued celebrations at 8pm.

For full details and tickets, please head over to the Eventbrite page for this event.

Earlier Event: May 4
Cleanup Day on Red Brook
Later Event: May 14
Sebago TU @ Weatherby's Lodge