Brandy Brook is a quality feeder to Collyer Brook, that has some of the best small water trout fishing local to Portland and the best trout habitat in the Royal River Watershed. These waters had been isolated by one of the worst hanging culverts that our survey teams had ever documented. Sebago chapter worked with MDIFW Region A to prioritize the site, and put together the partnership and provided overall coordination for the effort that resulted in replacement of the culvert with a fish-friendly pipe-arch.
Will Johnston, Town Planner for New Gloucester, lead the effort for the town and submitted the Maine Water Bond grant application, Alex Abbott of USFWS did the initial survey and preliminary technical design and provided follow-support, major financial support was provided by The Nature Conservancy with financial support from Sebago Chapter and the Casco Bay Estuary Partnership. Last minute donations from some generous chapter members were key to this project actually happening. The chapter contributed $6,100 in all to the project.
The press release that the CBEP posted was picked up by the Lewiston Sun-Journal. See