On July 15, 2016 a series of three rock weirs were installed that reconnected a feeder brook to the main stem of the Shepards River on Hampshire Road in Brownfield, Maine. Sebago Chapter of Trout Unlimited executed the project under TU’s national Embrace-a-Stream grant program. The Maine Community Foundation provided major funding. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Gulf of Maine Coastal Program and Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife, Sebago Lake Region provided technical support. Caribou Springs LLC of Gilead, Maine was the prime contractor.
The project was linked to a prototype youth education effort with Camp Susan Curtis in Stoneham, Maine. The week before, after a morning of fly casting instruction and fishing practice in Trout Pond, campers and staff were taken on a field trip and shown the Hiram Falls Dam, this site and two others nearby and explained the problems they created for the fish and how they were being addressed. Click here for more information.